The Creative Gift Foundation was started by members of Sak Theatre Company in Orlando as a place to put their corporate tithes. During the first years of Sak Theatre, the company would tithe 10% of all gross revenues and give moneys to worthy Christian Performing Arts Companies. Having started Lamb's Players Street Theatre on a "shoe-string" motivated us to help like minded endeavors. During some very productive years at Sak, this tithe grew to a large sum and we decided to organize a foundation to hold the money and we would give away the interest but not the principle. This way we can maintain granting money into perpetuity no matter the state of Sak Theatre.

The Creative Gift Foundation, Inc. was incorporated December 7, 1983 and was granted Tax Exempt Status by the IRS on March 1, 1984. Since then we have been blessed to have given grants totaling more than $600,000.00 through 2020!

Lamb's Players Street Theatre from the 1970s.
Starting this Company inspired us to start Creative Gift.
Death in White is Herbie Hansen and Demon to his right is Terry Olson.